Dominic Kamau Maichuhie – Media Challenge Winner, Kenya

Dominic Kamau Maichuhie is one of the ten winners of the media challenge: ‘Reporting Senstively on Harmful Practices’ organized by the African Union, Spotlight Initiative, UNFPA, and The Global Media Campaign to End FGM. Her article was published in Daily Nation on Friday the 10th November, 2023. Her story details a girl, who by age […]

‘Reporting Sensitively on Harmful Practices’ Media Challenge

#FrontlineEndingFGM presents the ten talented journalists and winners to the Media Competition: ‘Reporting Sensitively on Harmful Practices’. This Media challenge, organized by the African Union, Spotlight Initiative, UNFPA, and The Global Media Campaign to End FGM, followed the capacity-building training workshop held in Addis Ababa (Ethiopia) in August 2023. Congratulations to all the participants in […]

Zero Tolerance Day – Kenya

See the activities that took place in Kenya, ran by #FrontlineEndingFGM activists for Zero Tolerance day, funded by our Direct Action Grants. This year’s theme was ‘Her Voice, Her Future: Investing in Survivors-Led Movements to End Female Genital Mutilation’. Fit for Future Kenya Fit For Future is a Feminist Advocacy Organization. Through the grant, Fit […]

Zero Tolerance Day – Liberia

Zero Tolerance Day for Female Genital Mutilation was on February the 6th, 2024. See how frontline organisations in Liberia observed this day with the theme “Her Voice, Her Future”. Foundation for Community Empowerment – This is a group of journalists, activists and religious leaders working together in order to ensure the eradication of FGM. The […]

Born Perfect Caravan – Kenya

Seeing the horrible effects of FGM on girls usually fills me with rage BY KAMAU MAICHUHIE My name is Kamau Maichuhie, a journalist currently working for the Nation Media Group (NMG) here in Kenya. NMG the largest media organisation in East and Central Africa. Here at NMG, I write for the Daily Nation Newspaper, the […]

Caravane Born Perfect – Senegal

Je m’appelle Seydou Diatta .Je suis journaliste reporter chez Emedia Invest (Iradio –ITV/Sénégal) . Cela fait maintenant plus de plus de 15 ans que je me suis engagé dans la lutte contre la pratique de mutilation génitale féminine  et contre les violences basées sur le genre de façon générale au nom de la masculinité positive. […]