Born Perfect Caravan – Mauritania

PROJET CARAVANE EN  MAURITANIE / DU mouvement Agir contre  les mutilations génitales féminines (MAC /RIM) I –  Présentation Je m’appelle Abdoulaye Falilou Ba, jeune activiste mauritanien et coordinateur du  mouvement agir contre les mutilationsgénitales en  république islamique de Mauritanie  (MAC /RIM) ! Depuis 2020, nous luttons contre les mutilations génitalesféminines en Mauritanie. Notre mouvement a […]

Born Perfect Caravan Full Press Release

BornPerfect Caravan

In light of the international coverage of the Born Perfect Caravan on the Guardian Newspaper, #FrontlineEndingFGM is releasing the full concept note of the Caravan.

Please view the attachments below in English and in French.

Community Abandonment of FGM

Activist Lasana Kone, member of Youth Hope Association of Guinea, reports on their anti-FGM campaigns in Beyla held between November and December 2023. Female genital mutilation in Guinea is generally practiced in very early childhood. The girls who undergo the cut suffer from various ailments throughout their life including marriage at a young age, painful […]