Zero Tolerance Day – Kenya

See the activities that took place in Kenya, ran by #FrontlineEndingFGM activists for Zero Tolerance day, funded by our Direct Action Grants. This year’s theme was ‘Her Voice, Her Future: Investing in Survivors-Led Movements to End Female Genital Mutilation’.

Fit for Future Kenya

Fit For Future is a Feminist Advocacy Organization. Through the grant, Fit For Future was able to support the International Day on Zero Tolerance to FGM County event in Tharaka Nithi County. The team supported thirty survivors to attend the event. In addition they supported two survivors with a radio airtime talk show at Mwendantu FM, one of the most widely listened to stations in Tharaka Nithi and Meru Counties. They also distributed banners and T-shirts to survivors for Zero Tolerance Day for added visibility.

The County activity was celebrated at Karuruku Chief`s Camp at Mariani Ward in Igamba Ng`ombe Sub County in Tharaka Nithi County. Present in the event was the County CEC and Chief Officer of Gender and children affairs, The State Department of Gender County Director, Anti FGM Board, Office of the Director of Public Prosecution and The State Department of Interior and National Coordination. 

Tharaka Nithi County Gender Chief Officer giving her remarks during the County Event at the Karuruku Chief`s Camp in Tharaka Nithi County.


With support from GMC, Tunameza conducted a media campaign on a local radio station ‘Pure Africa’ Radio 88.7FM on International Day of Zero Tolerance for FGM 2024. They amplified the voices of three key FGM survivors who are ardent Anti-FGM campaigners in the Kuria Community. Mrs. Maria Boke and Mrs. Sara Boke Burure gave their listeners their first-hand information on their experience and inspiration behind their decision to become champions in their community.

There was also made a call to ensure other survivors come out to towards joining the end FGM movements. Women were also encouraged to continue playing a critical role in having discussion with their children. They reached over 300,000 listeners with key end FGM messages from the police, women leaders in Kuria-Kenya.

Survivors who are part of the Frontline ending FGM in Kuria-Kenya during the 6th February 2024 GMC media campaign on International Day of Zero Tolerance for  FGM.

Dayaa Women Group

Dayaa Women Group held two live radio talk-back shows on Tana Broadcasting Service (TBS), and FOX FM Radio based in Garseni. The project averaged the expertise of various stakeholders to deliver a holistic awareness & understanding of FGM and its impact on the community.

These included an FGM survivor who is Nasteha Aftin (Dayaa Chair Lady), health care provider, a religious leader and a youth leader. Both shows provided insight into local traditions, beliefs and myths surrounding FGM. Religious scholars provided insight into the Islamic religious views & perspective on FGM, while the healthcare providers took the audiences through the physical and psychological effects and consequences.

The project’s successes was evident with number of call-ins and text message received during the call-ins session. Most importantly, for the first time, we had a call from a cutter who admitted to be cutting but had now opted to abandon the practice.

Adventure Youth Group

The Adventure Youth Group ran an initiative to raise awareness and foster dialogue around FGM. One of the key components of this campaign was a radio talk show that provided a platform to elaborate on the devastating effects of FGM. By engaging with radio audiences, the team were able to reach a wide demographic, including those in remote areas with limited access to other forms of media.

Community dialogues facilitated meaningful discussions about FGM and alternative rites of passage (ARP). Feedback from participants highlighted a shift in attitudes towards FGM, with many expressing support for ARP as a healthier alternative. Quotes from community members included sentiments such as:

I never realized the extent of harm caused by FGM until today. We must work together to end this practice,” – Kiptoo, a village elder.

ARP offers our girls a chance for dignity and empowerment. Let’s embrace this alternative,” – Jane Temko, participant.

A community dialogue session discussing alternative rites of passage: “Empowering our girls for a brighter future
Mr Philip Chebuyo, Mr Kiptei and madam Sarah during the Zero Tolerance radio presser at BK Radio

Girlkind Kenya

This group commemorated Zero Tolerance Day at Iftin Girls secondary school under the theme “Her Voice. Her Future: Investing in Survivors-Led Movements to End Female Genital Mutilation ” Founder Fatuma Hakar reminded the girls of the consequences and complications of FGM. The group also distributed sanitary pads to the girls.

The group also ran a radio campaign on the topic of Zero Tolerance Day, hosted by Fatuma Hakar.

We congratulate all our grassroots campaigners in raising awareness this Zero Tolerance Day. To find out more about how you can support the campaign, or more information about any of these groups, please get in touch at

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FrontlineEndingFGM is a movement funded and supported by the Global Media Campaign to end FGM.