Role of Artists, Youth and Social Workers in Ending FGM – August 2023

Somali Journalist Muhiyadin Mohamed Aden held a panel discussion on the role of youth, social workers and poets in the eradication of female genital mutilation in the Somali region. Aden invited his guests to a panel discussion on SHAKAAL TV on the role of youth associations, women’s organizations and poets in raising effective awareness about […]

“Millions of Girls are being Mutilated” #FrontlineEndFGM Nigeria 2023

This summer, Daniel Tamiyi Zamani from El Zamani Motion Pictures Production led multiple campaigns raising awareness of the devastating effects of FGM in Nigeria. The campaign began on the 20th of June, airing on Jordan FM 93.0, discussing the effects of FGM on young girls, and calling for government intervention by providing greater health education […]

“FGM is strictly forbidden in Islam and it is a violation against women” Ethiopia – Summer Campaign 2023

Journalist Hanan Farah Abdirahman from Somali Region TV holds a symposium concerning social perceptions on the difference between Fir’onic circumcision (FGM) and Sunnah (male) circumcision. After winning a grant from the Global Media Campaign, Abdirahman held the symposium with three prominent religious scholars in the Somali region. Sheikh Abdulahi farah (Makhluq), Sheik Abdihalim Mo’alin Yare […]

Team Bombali’s Summer Cutting Report – July 2023

In July 2023, GMC’s funding to Team Bombali was used to hold an interactive radio sensitization to end FGM in the Bombali district. The sensitization went on successfully, taking place at Amzas Radio 96.6FM in Makeni City and simulcast with Radio Rokulan 96.1 at Sanda Chiefdom. The moderator, Saffiatu Kamara (a member of Team Bombali) […]

Ending FGM Practice in Enugu State – July 2023

Dr Chris Ugwu, Executive Director for the Society of Improvement for Rural People (SIRP), harnessed GMC’s platform to amplify their ongoing work to end FGM in the Enugu State of Nigeria. SIRP organised training for youth, journalists and Community Gatekeepers in Enugu State aimed at soliciting support for an end to FGM in Enugu State, […]

Tana River ‘End FGM’ Boot Camp – June 2023

The Brighter Society Initiative (BSI Kenya) aims to end the “blame game” and increase awareness about the harmful effects of female genital mutilation (FGM). The End FGM boot camp, funded by GMC, was conducted from June 2nd to June 4th, 2023 in Tana River County, Kenya. The training successfully achieved its objectives to equip participants […]