Somali Journalist Muhiyadin Mohamed Aden held a panel discussion on the role of youth, social workers and poets in the eradication of female genital mutilation in the Somali region.
Aden invited his guests to a panel discussion on SHAKAAL TV on the role of youth associations, women’s organizations and poets in raising effective awareness about harmful traditional practices, and how can they take part in finding a durable solution in fighting FGM in the Somali region.
Awke Ali, a Member of Youth Associations and a journalist from Independent Media in the Somali region spoke on the importance of social media in raising awareness:
I would like to suggest that the young people strengthen their participation in broadcasting the problems and dangers of FGM through their social media platforms such as Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and other media outlets.
Awke Ali

Another panel speaker, Anab Mohamed, is a poet in the Somali language whose writing concerns social issues. She said that as a girl, she can feel the dangers of female genital mutilation and every time it is discussed through the media, she can feel the problems girls face after they are subjected to this violence. Mohamed encourages open discussion about this topic to expose the hidden threats to young girls, which will affect their future.
I think that we should take part in poems, criticizing these cruel acts that are done every day to thousands of girls who do not cry for them. I would like to suggest to the young people that they write poems about this violence, the young people who work in the media should broadcast this problem on radio and TV, and the young people who work in social issues should strengthen their focus on FGM.
Anab Mohamed