#FrontlineEndingFGM Activists make a lasting impact

Over the Christmas period 1,611 girls in Kenya were saved from FGM – thanks to the work of 13 Activists

These thirteen dedicated #FrontlinersEndingFGM Activists worked with the Police, to change parents minds about cutting their daughters and ensure that the perpetrators of FGM were arrested.

The 1611 girls that were saved was achieved with $13,000 dollars in funding from GMC.

But of course the critical factor was our Activists – applying their local knowledge, campaigning experience and passion – in an effective manner.

The main areas girls were saved by our Activists
A breakdown of girls saved by each of our Frontline Activists

Police made 73 arrests – a significant increase on previous years.

Some of the communities were threatened with prison terms of up to 5 years if Cutters did not agree to abandon the practice.

In hardline traditional counties in Kenya, such as Pokot, Mount Elgon, Kuria, and Kiisii, girls undergo the worst form of FGM – the forcible removal of the clitoris and all the lips of the vulva with a razor blade and without anesthetic. The process can take up to 40 minutes while the girl is held down.

The main areas people were arrested by the Police
A breakdown of arrests made as a result of our Frontline Activists work with the Police
A Cutter is stopped just in time by Activist Sadia Hussein (in scarlet) working in Emboibut East

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FrontlineEndingFGM is a movement funded and supported by the Global Media Campaign to end FGM.