Chimwemwe Simpito – Media Challenge Winner, Zambia

Chimwemwe Simpito is one of the winners of the Media Challenge for their article on how economic insecurity is putting more girls at risk of child marriage. The article was released on the 14th November 2023 on Walamo Radio 98.3 FM. In the Mpulungu District in Northern Province is Lake Tanganyika, a great lake shared […]

Annie Zulu – Media Challenge Winner, Zambia

Annie Zulu is one of the ten winners to the media challenge for her entry concerning women with disabilities who have been sexually assaulted, published in the AfricaBrief in December 2022. These three stories represent many girls and women with disabilities who have not only been sexually assaulted but have also suffered in silence. “When […]

‘Reporting Sensitively on Harmful Practices’ Media Challenge

#FrontlineEndingFGM presents the ten talented journalists and winners to the Media Competition: ‘Reporting Sensitively on Harmful Practices’. This Media challenge, organized by the African Union, Spotlight Initiative, UNFPA, and The Global Media Campaign to End FGM, followed the capacity-building training workshop held in Addis Ababa (Ethiopia) in August 2023. Congratulations to all the participants in […]