#FrontlineEndingFGM Activists make a lasting impact

Over the Christmas period 1,611 girls in Kenya were saved from FGM – thanks to the work of 13 Activists These thirteen dedicated #FrontlinersEndingFGM Activists worked with the Police, to change parents minds about cutting their daughters and ensure that the perpetrators of FGM were arrested. The 1611 girls that were saved was achieved with […]

#FrontlineEndingFGM achieves a ‘statistically significant’ result in Mali

This followed on from a year of intensive locally-led campaigns in Mali. Our endline study was conducted in February 2022 by lean data specialists ’60 Decibels’. This followed on from a baseline study in February 2021 and midline in October 2021. Our campaigns were funded by Plan Germany, Plan Denmark and The World Bank. As […]

‘Endline’ impact study Nigeria – November 2021

14% of those wanting to carry out FGM on their daughters – changed their minds – after less than a year of campaigning 60 Decibels, our impact assessment partner, conducted a ‘endline’ survey that followed on from a ‘baseline’ survey at the start of the 2021. The 14% shift in attitudes against FGM is welcomed […]

GMC’s holistic, data driven approach, to evaluating our impact on ending FGM

Abstract: We set out our approach to measuring the effectiveness of our strategy to end FGM. Timely evaluation of what we are achieving also enables us to reinforce good approaches and modify bad ones. We also recognise our Funders need to make a judgement on how effectively their donations are being used. GMC uses a […]