Seydou Diatta – Media Challenge Winner, Senegal

Seydou Diatta is one of the ten winners of the media challenge: ‘Reporting Sensitively on Harmful Practices’ for their film ‘Eliminate FGM and Child Marriage’. Her film was broadcasted live on Senegal TV. To watch the full video in French click here. Diatta interviews women who have been through FGM and child marriage to educate […]

‘Reporting Sensitively on Harmful Practices’ Media Challenge

#FrontlineEndingFGM presents the ten talented journalists and winners to the Media Competition: ‘Reporting Sensitively on Harmful Practices’. This Media challenge, organized by the African Union, Spotlight Initiative, UNFPA, and The Global Media Campaign to End FGM, followed the capacity-building training workshop held in Addis Ababa (Ethiopia) in August 2023. Congratulations to all the participants in […]