Community Abandonment of FGM

Activist Lasana Kone, member of Youth Hope Association of Guinea, reports on their anti-FGM campaigns in Beyla held between November and December 2023. Female genital mutilation in Guinea is generally practiced in very early childhood. The girls who undergo the cut suffer from various ailments throughout their life including marriage at a young age, painful […]

2 Dead in Bondo Bushes

Cases of FGM are rampaging in Kambia District, Sierra Leone, resulting in two deaths within two days in the same chiefdom. Salaymatu Jalloh, a thirteen year-old girl from Kaybalor Village in Tonko Limba has been reportedly killed in the bondo bush after undergoing a female genital cutting initiation into the female secret society. The matter […]

Enhanced community surveillance to stop Holiday FGM

In light of 16 Days of Activism, an international campaign to end violence against girls and women, Tunaweza Empowerment organized radio talk shows to enhance awareness, commitment and action to stop female genital mutilation.  When schools close for the long holidays, it is important to accelerate actions to protect young girls from Female Genital Mutilation. […]